“Easiest Prey” imagines a modern-day Red Riding Hood grown up and stuck in a cycle of bad relationships. She longs for love, but keeps falling into the traps of disrespectful and even abusive lovers.
Easiest Prey
Well as long as you think of yourself being as low as dirt
You’re gonna let people walk all over you
And as long as you try to pull love to your heart up through your skirt
You’re gonna have lovers who abuse you
I’m sorry to inform ya
Don’t mean to alarm ya
Ms. Riding Hood, you’re lost again in the woods
I only say it for your own good
You’re the easiest prey
On the menu today
You’re the easiest prey
On the menu today
A wolf can sniff you out
From a mile away
You’re the easiest prey
On the menu today
It’s a replayed situation, only different faces
A tragedy that’s getting awfully old
I can always detect the black and blue and purple traces
That they leave all over your soul
Sorry to inform ya
Don’t mean to alarm ya
Ms. Riding Hood, you’re lost again in the woods
I only say it for your own good
You’re the easiest prey
On the menu today
You’re the easiest prey
On the menu today
A wolf can sniff you out
From a mile away
You’re the easiest prey
On the menu today
You might’ve read all the self-help books
You might’ve joined some nice support groups
But you still beat yourself to the ground at the end of the day
You need to think those kind thoughts louder
Smash all those mean thoughts into powder
And then smile and watch them blow away
Well you didn’t have the greatest childhood you might have known
I know you’re coming from a Home Sour Home
But now you are a grown-up girl and you can do things on your own
It’s time to make lemonade from all those lemons
Sorry to inform ya
Don’t mean to alarm ya
Ms. Riding Hood, you’re lost again in the woods
I only say it for your own good
You’re the easiest prey
On the menu today
You’re the easiest prey
On the menu today
A wolf can sniff you out
From a mile away
You’re the easiest prey
On the menu today
When will you make the decision
To stop your self-derision
And forgive yourself for being human
You need to love yourself for who you are
Yes love yourself for who you are
Yes love yourself in this moment
Well as long as you think of yourself being as low as dirt
You’re gonna let people walk all over you